Virtual Nomads

It’s Free!




For a Spending Income.

Even if you are one of those hard core, card carrying, couch potatoes. And have no interest whatsoever in any Democracy on the World Wide Web; beyond getting a Spending Income.

Simply keep in mind that, as a Human Being, you are Naturally entitled to go anywhere, any time and this for any reason… until you have to deal with other Human Beings.

Other Human Beings who, like you, realizes that Individual Human Beings also need to claim more  than the physical space  they each occupy. And are willing to abide by the terms and conditions of a proper justification for Objective and Legitimate Land Claims. That is that any Land Claim, beyond physical space, should at least pay rent to humanity.

Most of all, keep in mind that, because you agree to Champion a Legitimate Democracy, designed to Renterize Claims, such as Land or Income, you are entitled to your share of the “Help” “Offered” as a “Spending Income.”

Every single penny of it!