Refugee camp with Territorial Sovereignty similar to that of Embassies but Justified by Renterizing and Validated by a Legitimate Democracy.



Especially on the World Wide Web!

We need to keep in mind that any would be Responsible and Legitimate Democracy…

  1. Has to be worthwhile to attract people
  2. Has to remain worthwhile to keep them
  3. AND…  it has to offer something concrete from the work go.

Here then is how

  1. We turn the “Emotional Fuel” needed to get going into…
  2. The “Concrete Fuel” needed to keep going

In other words…

    • Where are we?
        • The Conservative part.
    • Where do we want to go?
        • The Liberal part.
    • How are we going to get there?
        • The Progressive part.
            • As an ideal blend of Conservative and Liberal

Simply enough…

We launch a Virtual Country on the World Wide Web. Which gives us the opportunity to review concepts, such as those listed in our


It also gives us a sort of lab environment where we can identify and solve problems; those associated with the theory, as well as those related to the practice, of a Legitimate Democracy.

Most of all, from the word go, those who Sign Up for a NOMAD SPENDING INCOME, deserve it now. They may also register for a TOURIST SPENDING INCOME, to deserve it now. And this even if they have no interest whatsoever in a Legitimate Democracy on the World Wide Web; beyond getting money to spend.

As for those who really feel the need to turn the “Emotional Fuel” needed to get going into the “Concrete Fuel” needed to keep going we have a CITIZEN SPENDING INCOME.

Where will the money come from?

To help pay for the Spending Income offered to every single man, woman and child on the face of this earth.

  1. Initial Receivable
  2. Potential Receivable

What we can do, now, to at least announce our intentions!

We can test the water to find out who is for the project, who is against it as well as those who pretend to agree with the idea but raises so many objections we need to wonder about their real position.

  1.  Petitions to the United Nations
  2.  Pseudo Occupation


to showcase our “Democracy on the World Wide Web”

The “Emotional Fuel” needed to get going.

We propose to:               RENTERIZE

The “Concrete Fuel” needed to keep going.